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Educational app for inclusive, value-based English schooling success

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SJCHS CHITTARANJAN is an application that encapsulates the spirit of a long-established educational institution with a rich history spanning three decades. The school, initially an extension of the Hindi Convent School, evolved from its early Hindi medium to a distinguished English medium CBSE school, situated on Sunset Avenue, Chittaranjan, in tune with community needs. It serves students from various cultural backgrounds, emphasizing the support it has rendered to families who struggle to afford English education, facilitated through the heartfelt efforts of the Bethany Sisters.

Dedicated to imparting value-based education, this institution has seen significant progress, with outstanding results in both the X and XII CBSE Board Examinations. The achievements reflect the unwavering dedication and collaborative efforts of the management, staff, and community stakeholders, including parents and students. Admission growth at the senior secondary level is noted as a byproduct of the earnest and rigorous work ethic shared among all involved.

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The platform underscores the deep appreciation for all those who have contributed to the school's accomplishments, extending gratitude to the clergy, local administration, teachers, students, and parents for their persistent support and collaboration. The sense of community and collaborative spirit comes to light as the game offers a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has had a hand in the school's story.

For those considering educational options, the app stands as a beacon of quality education, inclusiveness, and community development, illuminating its pledge to student success and the collective efforts that have cemented the school's exemplary reputation. It invites users to delve into and recognize the school's longstanding legacy, its present-day triumphs, and its steadfast commitment to educational excellence.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Valuation.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.0.3, 4.0.4 or higher required

Information about SJCHS CHITTARANJAN 1.6

Package Name com.asoft.sjchs
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Education & Languages
Language English
72 more
Author Valuation
Downloads 0
Date Jul 25, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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